Grzegorz Borkowski
Born in Poland in 1985. programmer, graphic designer, game designer and DTP specialist by profession, owner of the Gear-Studio group founded in 2003. Creator of projects:
Almora Online
Almora Darkosen
Alien Territory
Ralph Jump (commercially commissioned)
Seagull Bird Revenge
Flying Cube
…and many more projects in the prototype phase.
For 10 years alone creating the largest project in the Gear-Studio history which is Almora Darkosen for mobile devices.
There is planned to continue develop projects:
Almora Darkosen (online coop)
Tupek (Tamagotchi),
Alien Territory (multiplayer action game).
For almost 20 years, all projects have been created in “Game Maker Studio” the programming language GML (Game Maker Language), GM7, Gm8, GMS 1.4, GMS 2.3 (currently) https://yoyogames.com. In addition, the author deals with the editing and processing of movies, also creates scripts (JavaScript) in Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign for the needs of his current work in DTP.